Frequently Asked Question!
When you order your goods from a our website, the Processing Team will normally take 5-7 days to deliver it to your address.
We’ll email you as soon as your goods is shipped to your address. Email With Tracking link and Tracking Number Would be Provided.
Titles have different availabilities simply due to their demand, proximity, and availability to We also source our products from various distributors. The availability on products we obtain from distributors may vary according to whether the distributor has the product in stock or not.
If a title is listed as out of stock or unavailable, it means that it is not currently available to or not in stock through our distribution channels. However, you may still be able to sell out of stock items through our Marketplace feature.
For more information, please contact our Customer Service team.
To determine the applicable shipping rate and time for items in your Cart:
- Select Proceed to checkout.
- Select or add your shipping address.
- Select a payment method and select Continue.
The total shipping & handling cost as well as the estimated date of delivery, is listed under Order Summary.
For more information, please contact our Customer Service team at
- Telephone:+1 281-769-1742
- Email:[email protected]